Please note! 13 and 14 March, customer service will be closed due to attending Equine Health & Nutrition Congress. Orders will be dispatched on these days.

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Finecto+ C&W

Enhance the gut health of your chickens, birds, and/or rabbits

Finecto+ C&W supports the immune system and has a gut-cleansing effect. For a smooth intestinal lining based on the herbs turmeric, artemisia, thyme, and allium. This dietary supplement is a valuable addition to the daily care of your animals.

Protects the intestinal lining and supports gut flora
For chickens, birds, and rabbits
No effect on taste and quality of chicken eggs

The Effect

Finecto+ C&W is specially formulated to support the maintenance of healthy gut function in your chickens, birds, and rabbits. It supports and smooths the intestinal lining, preventing unwanted intruders from gaining a foothold. C&W supports the immune system, gut flora, and increases resistance to harmful bacteria and fungi in the intestines.

Finecto+ C&W does not negatively affect the taste or quality of eggs. Eggs can safely be consumed while using this product.

Usage and Dosage

  • Preventive: 15 ml per liter of drinking water, 2x per week (e.g., Tuesday and Saturday)
  • Curative: 15 ml per liter of drinking water, for at least 5 consecutive days. Refresh the solution daily.


500 ml


Blend of aromatic substances (turmeric, artemisia, thyme, allium), pentose, sodium chloride

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