For a Relaxed Living Environment

About Finecto+

How It All Began


Domien (owner and founder of Finecto+) originally comes from the professional poultry sector. For his work, he frequently visited poultry farms (which were mostly battery cages at the time) and saw the issues with red mites. A customer from the professional poultry sector asked if there was a solution to a major outbreak of red mites. This poultry farmer wanted to solve the problem of red mites in a legal and, above all, natural way. Domien saw this as a great challenge!

Practical Challenge

Domien then started using silica powder at this poultry farm, blowing it through the barn in the hope of reaching the mites effectively and tackling the problem. After much trial and error, he realized that it wasn't so easy and that you need to combat red mites where they go. So, not just randomly blowing silica around, but really following the path of the mites! Therefore, it was important that the silica could be applied precisely in the poultry barns. To achieve this, we developed a concentrated silica emulsion with an adhesive, making the product stick better. This allowed us to apply the product more precisely and make a breakthrough in red mite control! During practical research, Domien discovered that every life stage of red mites requires a different approach. We managed to control the larval stages well with the silica solution. But then there’s still the adult stages – how do you tackle those?

Finecto+ was Founded in 2004

The development of a natural solution against red mites continued, and in 2004, the Finecto+ brand was born. "Fin" means end, and "ecto" comes from ectoparasite. We had to keep developing because we realized that using just silica wasn't enough to combat red mites. Internationally, we also grew in the professional sector, but the challenge remained to tackle the adult stages of red mites. This is the stage where chickens experience the most discomfort. Meanwhile, more and more questions came from the hobby sector, because the red mite problem was not limited to the professional sector. Hobbyists keeping chickens and birds were also dealing with red mites. At Finecto+, we thought that the professional approach would work for hobbyists as well. But we were wrong! While in the professional sector there are many animals and few hiding spots for red mites, in the hobby sector, there are fewer animals and many hiding spots for red mites. So, we realized we had to develop a completely different approach for this!

Development of Finecto+ PROTECT Spray

As we love a challenge, we continued researching the hobby sector. In 2008, we launched our Finecto+ PROTECT spray. A ready-to-use spray solution based on silicon dioxide for spraying the chicken coop. And what a solution it was! Welkoop was immediately enthusiastic and added the product to their range. But one product is no product!! With the PROTECT environment spray, we were still only tackling the larval stages and not the adult red mites.

Development of Supplements

Together with a herbalist, we set out to develop a supplement for chickens and birds against red mites. A product that could tackle the adult stages by making the blood indigestible for red mites, thus gradually reducing the red mite population. After extensive practical testing, the Finecto+ Method was born. An environment spray for the chicken coop and a supplement for chicken and bird feed. An approach that tackles everything to keep red mites under control!

More Animal Species, More Products

Over the years, we didn’t stand still and continued to develop further. For example, we received a request from a professional poultry farmer who kept Tinkers as a hobby, asking if the product could also be used on his Tinkers with mud fever-like spots and suspected mites. Through testing, we found that it was very effective, but not palatable for horses. So in 2016, we introduced Finecto+ HORSE! And at the request of dog owners, we started looking for a natural solution against ticks and fleas. More and more dog owners prefer a natural solution over chemical treatments. And of course, a Finecto+ DOG couldn't be left out.

We Continue to Develop!

Of course, we won’t sit still. Red mites don’t either, so we continue to develop and bring new products to the market. We believe it’s important that you can always come to us for advice or questions. On our information platform, you can already read many articles about chickens, birds, horses, and dogs. And of course, you can always call, email, or send us a message via WhatsApp with all your questions!

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