For Itchiness and Other Discomforts in Chickens, Horses, and Dogs

Sweet itch season is not over yet: often in September and October flare-ups of sweet itch!

Sweet itch season is not over yet: often in September and October flare-ups of sweet itch!

Outside it seems as if autumn is beginning to arrive. A sign that the sweet itch season is nearing the end. But don't be fooled by the inclement weather. The wetness and temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius make it ideal for the midges to bring about a revival of sweet itch in horses. In addition, there are other factors that can cause a revival of itching. Read more below this photo what those are.

Midges in September / October

Midges belong to the mosquito family. And the mosquito is known to like moist soils to lay eggs. At the end of the season, the meadows are more humid and there is also more rain, causing puddles. Ideal for midges to lay eggs. Midges are active above 10 degrees Celsius. And certainly in September and October the temperature can sometimes shoot up briefly. On these days you suddenly see swarms of mosquitoes and midges again. Midges that cause a revival of sweet itch if you no longer protect your horse. Therefore, do not stop with the prevention of sweet itch in your horse. Below are a number of tips to prevent a revival of sweet itch:
  • Do not stop treatment until the temperature is stable below 10 degrees Celsius.
  • Keep the summer eczema blanket on, also under the rain blanket.
  • Continue to give Finecto+ Horse until the temperature has dropped
  • Limit the sugars in the feed, for example do not give silage grass
  • Maintains resistance with cannabinoids

Itching in horses in autumn with a different cause

Not only summer eczema causes itching in the autumn. Did you know that Sweet itch is often confused with Insulin Resistance or hypersensitivity to sugars and certain nutrients? Horses with (a mild form of) Insulin Resistance show the same itching symptoms on the mane and tail as horses with Sweet itch. In the autumn, when the horses come off the pasture and the nutrition changes, you often see that these horses also start shedding again. This is not a revival of Sweet itch, but a reaction to the sugars in the diet. Silage, for example, contains a lot of sugars, but don't underestimate the concentrate either. Do you have the idea that this could be the case with your horse? A blood test at the vet can give a definite answer. For both causes (Sweet itch and Insulin Resistance) it is good to give the horse cannabinoids. Cannabinoids bring the body into balance, have an anti-inflammatory effect and increase resistance. Something that is necessary for both summer eczema and Insulin Resistance.

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